Sunday, April 19, 2009

How People Learn Chapters 9 & 10

1. The information on technology provided in Chapter 9 of How People Learn goes along with what we've learned about mental images to an extent. Images provided through technology can help with mental images created such as a propositional code. Technology can be used to help students who have a mental set to help them get out of the rut and get a new perspective on the topic they are learning. Finally, it relates to creativity and can help to be a motivation for students to do the work because sometimes the use of technology can make education fun for them. Overall, technology can help with creativity by providing new projects for students to try and for reinforcing information that the students are learning in a new and different way.

2. One thing I'd like to know more about is how teachers who are not technologically savvy can learn to use the technology that they need to teach their students or the technology their students already know about. I keep thinking to myself "what is twitter?" I want to know more about twitter. This type of thing is something the students may already know about before I even learn. Students know how to use computers so efficiently that some teachers may be behind.

3. To apply this to my own work as a school counselor someday, I would like to create a website that students can use to find out about college information or about trade schools. Then, I'd like to create a time line that they could use to know where they need to be at a certain point in the year with applying and financial aid. Also, I'd like to list resources that the students could use if they were experiencing problems at home or with their friends. There are many help lines that can benefit students that they do not even know about.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

How People Learn Chapters 6 & 7

1. The information from Chapter 7 regarding effective teaching uses information learned about problem solving and decision making that we previously learned in Cognition. Also, the two chapters discuss a variety of different perspectives used in order to teach specific information to students. This is similar to all the different memory strategies we learned in Cognition, included cognitive maps, imagery, mnemonics, creativity, etc.

2. I am a little unclear on why community centered approach is so popular. I do realize it is very beneficial when used appropriately. This would be allowing students a safe environment with peers where they can ask questions and feeling comfortable learning. The part that I do not understand is that it seems like this approach may create a more competitive atmosphere where some students don't feel comfortable asking questions or answering them in fear of being wrong. Why would we want students to feel this way?

3. I would use this information in my classroom to bring the positive aspects of all the approaches into the classroom for students to learn in the best possible environment they can.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

week 13/chapters 10 & 13

1. With language, I think that we use our working memory a lot because we have to process what others are saying and them formulate what we are going to say. We also must store all of the words we know in our memory to retrieve them later. General knowledge also goes into communicating with others, such as with common ground. Finally, creativity is a large part of writing.

2. I am still a little confused on how the demonstration "collaborating to establish common ground" is an example of common ground. To me, common ground is the knowledge that someone has that makes them able to communicate about something. To me, this seems like a different idea all together. I guess if both people are being presented with the knowledge at the time, then they would still be able to communicate.

3. One way I could use this information in the future is if I work in a middle school as a counselor. If that school offers foreign languages, I can encourage students to take them in middle schools rather than waiting. They may be more successful if they take them when they are younger. The other information regarding language would probably be more beneficial when working with younger children.