Tuesday, April 14, 2009

How People Learn Chapters 6 & 7

1. The information from Chapter 7 regarding effective teaching uses information learned about problem solving and decision making that we previously learned in Cognition. Also, the two chapters discuss a variety of different perspectives used in order to teach specific information to students. This is similar to all the different memory strategies we learned in Cognition, included cognitive maps, imagery, mnemonics, creativity, etc.

2. I am a little unclear on why community centered approach is so popular. I do realize it is very beneficial when used appropriately. This would be allowing students a safe environment with peers where they can ask questions and feeling comfortable learning. The part that I do not understand is that it seems like this approach may create a more competitive atmosphere where some students don't feel comfortable asking questions or answering them in fear of being wrong. Why would we want students to feel this way?

3. I would use this information in my classroom to bring the positive aspects of all the approaches into the classroom for students to learn in the best possible environment they can.

1 comment:

  1. If I am not mistaken, part of the community-centered environment includes bringing into the classroom the greater community that you live in to share real life experiences with the children. By bringing in guest speakers from the community or community members that can do demonstrations you are broadening the students schemas and giving them realistic experiences and problems to solve.
